Thursday 23 May 2013

    The online media age has transformed the way we view film and music industries and ther impact they have on people's lifes.
Before the online media age got into power-music and films were bought in a physical form for example CDs and DVDs. The tickets to concerts and events would be mostly purchased at the venues. The percentage of cinema goers, was falling, because people found it cheaper to just rent a DVD and stay at home.
As the media online age progressed a lot of changes took place. Napster website is a big example of this, as it has changed the business model for music industry. The music was offered for free download and music producers have realised that piracy is becoming a growing issue. However for the audience Napster was great! They were able to download a wide variety choice of music, without loosing money and it opened unlimited capacity for music storage.
 In terms of the legal music purchases Amazon/Play/Itunes are the main sources at the moment. The number of records sold in physical form in the shop has decreased, however the music industry profits are still increasing. This is because, although piracy and illegal downloading are a major issue, people still use those three websites to purchase the music, with the convenience of not leaving their house to do so.
The audiences are also using online websites such as ticketmaster to purchase tickets for different events such as concerts and music festival. As the pirating has lead to a lot of music distribution for free, the artists and producers make most of their money doing live shows in big arenas like Wembley, for example the ban Take That who had a massive tour around the country. As well as that all main cinemas have websites, which are used to buy tickets, which is convienent for the audience as they can make sure that the film is not sold out before they get to the cinemas. The number of cinema attendants is rising and this is because of the experience such as the atmosphere that is not the same anywhere else. Many films, TV programmes and bands also have merchandise, which the audiences order and its a quick way for them to get exclusive things.
The online age also gave the audiences the benefit of portability. With all the new technologies such as tablets, phones and mp3 players, the producers realised that they can use this to their advantage. So as a result the audience are able to listen to downloaded music and watch downloaded films on the go. Sources like Netflix also became available on the tablets.
 It is very important to mention that media in the online age gave audience the creativity. People are able to use sources like youtube to post their own videos that they made and attract large numbers of audience. This gives them a chance to increase their popularity. However for the media producers it has a democratising effect, as this bypasses usual censors and the big media capitalist ideology. David Gauntell has studies this in detail and wrote a book "We Media" in which he describe dhow audiences are increasingly becoming producers.

So in conclusion the media online age has highly transformed the audiences relationships with film and media industries and benefited them in term of convinience and time saving. The producers have had slight problems mainly being piracy. However the internet has also impacted them in terms of distribution and advertising through social networks like Facebook. As well as that the producers are able to use web 2.0, like for exmaple on the hobbit website "make your own trailer" to engage the audience and audience are able to benefit and engage in the full interactive experince of the things they like like through the internet.

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