Thursday 16 May 2013

1. a

   The Course Work project I am going to discuss is the marketing campaign that we did for our original film idea "Best Friends for Life." It inclused a trailer, a poster and a magazine cover.
    The target audience we defined for the film is 16-24 year olds, C2DE and British nationality. They also would mainly be mainstreamers and aspirers, who are thriller film fans.
     Looking at the message that our trailer sends, it is important to remember that the trailer breaks conventions of male being violent, as in this case the violent person is the girl. So one of the messages is "Women can be as violent as men." However the overall message of the trailer is to go see the film.
     Talking about the media effect of hypodermic model, it can be said that it does not apply to our trailer, because although we as the producers strongly inforce the message of the unconventional violence of female towards male, the audience can disagree. This media effect has a disdvantage of audience being seen as passive and powerless, however the men in the audience might strongly be against the narrative idea, highlighting that there was no way that the female could defeat the male. However this argument could be used to our advantage, as they will be interested to see the film, to find out what happened.
      In terms of uses and gratifications, it applies to our trailer in terms of personal relationships. The audience can have either preferred values and be on the side of the girl, sympathising and perhaps relating to her illness and how she has been left on her own and therefore had a valid reason for going mad. Or they can also have oppositional values and feel sorry for the guy, who wanted to broaden his social encounters and is the victim of his friend's mental illness, which he had no idea about and therefore could not do anything to help. The audience can get an exaggerated sense of the mental illness from the zooming in shot on the rocking female, which enforces her anxieties and anger. Also in tersms of uses and gratifications-the use of mise en scene, particularly the prop of the knife highlights how violent this psychological thriller is and attract the audience, who like to see violence in films. 

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