Thursday 23 May 2013

    The online media age has transformed the way we view film and music industries and ther impact they have on people's lifes.
Before the online media age got into power-music and films were bought in a physical form for example CDs and DVDs. The tickets to concerts and events would be mostly purchased at the venues. The percentage of cinema goers, was falling, because people found it cheaper to just rent a DVD and stay at home.
As the media online age progressed a lot of changes took place. Napster website is a big example of this, as it has changed the business model for music industry. The music was offered for free download and music producers have realised that piracy is becoming a growing issue. However for the audience Napster was great! They were able to download a wide variety choice of music, without loosing money and it opened unlimited capacity for music storage.
 In terms of the legal music purchases Amazon/Play/Itunes are the main sources at the moment. The number of records sold in physical form in the shop has decreased, however the music industry profits are still increasing. This is because, although piracy and illegal downloading are a major issue, people still use those three websites to purchase the music, with the convenience of not leaving their house to do so.
The audiences are also using online websites such as ticketmaster to purchase tickets for different events such as concerts and music festival. As the pirating has lead to a lot of music distribution for free, the artists and producers make most of their money doing live shows in big arenas like Wembley, for example the ban Take That who had a massive tour around the country. As well as that all main cinemas have websites, which are used to buy tickets, which is convienent for the audience as they can make sure that the film is not sold out before they get to the cinemas. The number of cinema attendants is rising and this is because of the experience such as the atmosphere that is not the same anywhere else. Many films, TV programmes and bands also have merchandise, which the audiences order and its a quick way for them to get exclusive things.
The online age also gave the audiences the benefit of portability. With all the new technologies such as tablets, phones and mp3 players, the producers realised that they can use this to their advantage. So as a result the audience are able to listen to downloaded music and watch downloaded films on the go. Sources like Netflix also became available on the tablets.
 It is very important to mention that media in the online age gave audience the creativity. People are able to use sources like youtube to post their own videos that they made and attract large numbers of audience. This gives them a chance to increase their popularity. However for the media producers it has a democratising effect, as this bypasses usual censors and the big media capitalist ideology. David Gauntell has studies this in detail and wrote a book "We Media" in which he describe dhow audiences are increasingly becoming producers.

So in conclusion the media online age has highly transformed the audiences relationships with film and media industries and benefited them in term of convinience and time saving. The producers have had slight problems mainly being piracy. However the internet has also impacted them in terms of distribution and advertising through social networks like Facebook. As well as that the producers are able to use web 2.0, like for exmaple on the hobbit website "make your own trailer" to engage the audience and audience are able to benefit and engage in the full interactive experince of the things they like like through the internet.

Thursday 16 May 2013

1. a

   The Course Work project I am going to discuss is the marketing campaign that we did for our original film idea "Best Friends for Life." It inclused a trailer, a poster and a magazine cover.
    The target audience we defined for the film is 16-24 year olds, C2DE and British nationality. They also would mainly be mainstreamers and aspirers, who are thriller film fans.
     Looking at the message that our trailer sends, it is important to remember that the trailer breaks conventions of male being violent, as in this case the violent person is the girl. So one of the messages is "Women can be as violent as men." However the overall message of the trailer is to go see the film.
     Talking about the media effect of hypodermic model, it can be said that it does not apply to our trailer, because although we as the producers strongly inforce the message of the unconventional violence of female towards male, the audience can disagree. This media effect has a disdvantage of audience being seen as passive and powerless, however the men in the audience might strongly be against the narrative idea, highlighting that there was no way that the female could defeat the male. However this argument could be used to our advantage, as they will be interested to see the film, to find out what happened.
      In terms of uses and gratifications, it applies to our trailer in terms of personal relationships. The audience can have either preferred values and be on the side of the girl, sympathising and perhaps relating to her illness and how she has been left on her own and therefore had a valid reason for going mad. Or they can also have oppositional values and feel sorry for the guy, who wanted to broaden his social encounters and is the victim of his friend's mental illness, which he had no idea about and therefore could not do anything to help. The audience can get an exaggerated sense of the mental illness from the zooming in shot on the rocking female, which enforces her anxieties and anger. Also in tersms of uses and gratifications-the use of mise en scene, particularly the prop of the knife highlights how violent this psychological thriller is and attract the audience, who like to see violence in films. 

Thursday 9 May 2013

Netflix vs HBO!

1. What are the two business modes of those companies?
Netflix is a streaming channel, so they money from subscriptions and selling content.
HBO is a cable subsciption TV channel that also offers exclusive online content for the subscribers.
2.How are they becoming more similar?
Netflix is moving away from buying content and making original content available, which will draw more
subscribers. HBO is offering online content to subscribers.
3. What are some good examples of Netflix and HBO's actions to develop online subscription?
Netflix is offering it's own original shows, to draw in new subscribers, who can only get this content from them.
HBO is developing online share with the audience, so their content is available to subscribers not only at home, but also "on the go."
4. What are some good examples of how audience habits have changed in the online age?
Binge viewing is a very good example, because approximately half of subscrfibers to services like Netflix, like to watch several episodes at once. Audience not only watch things at home, but also on the go, using devices like tablets. For example they would stream shows, while travelling.