Thursday 28 February 2013

Target Audience.

  • I am analysing the trailer produced for my A2 coursework for our group's original film idea "Best friend's for life." It's narrative describes a story between two friends and how the mental illness of one turns her into wanting to kill the other.
  • Demographic target audience: our film is aimed at both males and females between the ages of 15-30, as it is a psychological thriller with student characters. The audiences' positions can range from unemployed to labour workers, to junior administrators. Local and independent cinema releases and netflix website would ensure good numbers of British and maybe even international audience, which is a good achievement for a low budget British film.
  • Psychographic target audience: One of the target groups are strugglers. For them the trailer would have a deeper meaning, because they will relate to the character's mental issues as they might be facing mental problems of their own. Aspirers are also a target group, because they will enjoy ther trailer experience, as they will get to judge the character's behaviours and compare them to their stable personalities. They will also enjoy watching violence, as they will not face a lot of it in their real lifes. The trailer is also aiming at explorers, as our film differentiates from some expected conventions (male character being the victim), they will find the originality of ideas interesting and maybe promote it amongst the people they know or using the social medias. Finally reformers are also a target audience, because they will feel sympathy for the mental problems of Kylie and will want to help people who suffer from similar problems.
  • In terms of uses and gratifications theory, I think that the audience will like to watch the trailer to get the jumpy effect from the psychological issues and the violence. The purpose of the trailer and film idea is to entertain and to challenge the audience with the twists of the narrative, so the audience who like to predict the events of the film will enjoy it.
  • Looking at the effects model and hypodermic needle, it is generally considered a difficult theory to relate to modern film industry products. The message or the purpose of the idea behind the trailer is to shock the audience with the narrative events, as they would be faced with a very contrasting character with unstable mentality. The whole idea of wanting to kill your best friend should psychologically scare the audience, so for a few hours after the film they are cautious the people around them
  • Looking at the Stuart's Hall reception theory, the trailer's audience would relate to two aspectsof it. The negotiated reading would relate to the female audience, as they would find it fair that a male character is made the victim, but they would not be very thrilled with the female character being a mentally unstable killer. The male audience would relate to the oppositional theory, as many watch films to see males as strong and dominant gender and anything unconventional to that idea will create a conflict with their expectations and likes.
  • To sum up the target audience discussion, I can say that in m opinion the idea of demographic audience and Stuart's Hall reception theory are most important to understanding the target audience, as they focus on the interests, personalities and character type of the audience, which is important as it determines what types of films they prefer and whether they will enjoy the trailer.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Applying Syd Field's Three Act Structure.

First Act: We established the main protagonist Kylie, her best friend Daniel and his new girlfriend Sabrina. The first incident is Kylie not being happy that Daniel got a girlfriend, because he stopped spending time with her.

Second Act: Kylie's mental disorder affects her so much that she decided to solve the situation with Daniel by killing him. We show shots of Kylie spitting out pills and attacking Daniel.

Third Act: As one of the main convention of a trailer is to not reveal the ending and resolution, our trailer follows this convention and therefore does not have a third act. Field's narrative is ment for feature films, so you can analyse and relate the narrative structure in depth, but I have attempted to apply his theory as much as possible.

Syd Field!

Syd Field has a 3 Act structure theory.

The first act would last approximately a quarter of the film. In it the main characters and the relationships between them would be established. It would also include an incident, the first turning point, which is related to the main character/s.

The second act would last approximately two quaters of the film. It will involve increase of the action and development of the narrative, events and the story. The main protagonist/s will attempt solving thbe first turning point, but instead make things worse. The main protagonist would also develop skills to help solve the turning point, which is their character development and they will often have a co-protagonist for assistance.

The third act wuld last approximately the last quarter of the film. It will involve the climax, which will be the second turning point, where all the tensions will be brought to the highest. It will answer all dramatic questions of the plot and sub-plots and resolution would be established.